Wednesday, November 3, 2010

President gives one his best talks ever - too bad we missed it

Press conferences should be aired in the evening.

Today, just one day after the nation was divided by elections fueled by political bashing, the president spoke poignantly at a news conference.
He acknowledge that he was not firm enough in some his decisions, acknowledge the drama in Washington is overshadowing progress; that we not only in government but as a civilization need to focus less on ideals, and be more realistic.

He also noted that partisan separation is a huge barrier to progress, that both republicans and democrats will need to come to together, that his cabinet failed us rushing to ‘get business done’ that he didn’t do enough to ‘change how business is done’.
He went on to remind us that this debt that his contesters blame him for was inherited by the previous administration, and that he is still in the early half of his presidency, that much of the complaints we have about government spending existed long before he was there.

I’ve never been so impressed with his speaking before – because you could tell this time it came from the heart, not his speech writer. He was honest and challenging and forward thinking, never caught up in the now, as we and our culture tend to be.

I only hope that folks were able to catch this, since it aired smack-dab in the middle of the day, while everyone was working...
It’s too bad because by tonight, the media will butchered the clips so much that the message will be lost, and all that will be left is propaganda.

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